Euler, David
The care of elderly considering immune (Part 1), Birth Trauma and Adrenal Exhaustion, Neurological Disorders and General Geriatric Concerns
Die geriatrische Behandlung mit Japanischer Akupunktur (Krankheitsentwicklung, vom Geburtstrauma bis zu adrenaler Erschöpfung, geschwächtes Immunsystem und neurologischen Störungen), Part 1
In this short introduction and demonstration David will present the constitutional approach to the treatment of elderly people according to Kiiko Matsumoto's style of acupuncture. The importance of palpation to select the correct angle of insertion and location of acupuncture points and gauging the patients response is very important to ensure maximum benefits and immediate relief. David will demonstrate the palpation and needling technique and teach the students how to optimize the treatment according to the palpatory findings. This is a very hand on technique and suitable for any practitioner and patient. David will also present the Chinese Classic Texts that explain this technique with illustrations and animations. (you can add if applicable: Demonstrations are projected on a large screen so everyone can see clearly)Anzahl: 2 CDs
In this short introduction and demonstration David will present the constitutional approach to the treatment of elderly people according to Kiiko Matsumoto's style of acupuncture. The importance of palpation to select the correct angle of insertion and location of acupuncture points and gauging the patients response is very important to ensure maximum benefits and immediate relief. David will demonstrate the palpation and needling technique and teach the students how to optimize the treatment according to the palpatory findings. This is a very hand on technique and suitable for any practitioner and patient. David will also present the Chinese Classic Texts that explain this technique with illustrations and animations. (you can add if applicable: Demonstrations are projected on a large screen so everyone can see clearly)Anzahl: 2 CDs

Jahr: 2005
ISBN: C_TCM05_22
Sprache: Deutsch
Preis: 15,00 €
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
zuzüglich Versandkosten
ca. 10 Tagen Lieferzeit