Jarrett, Lonny
Fulfilling the Promise of our Medicine, Part 2
"The upper class of medicines.....govern the nourishment of destiny and correspond to heaven.... If one wishes to prolong the years of life without aging, one should use these."
This orientation represents an important perspective that has been all but lost in the modern practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. A basic premise of Chinese medicine is to move stagnation before tonifying and there is no greater stagnation in life than having forgotten one's true self. Thus we recognize that nourishing the fulfillment of destiny is the heart and soul of our medicine.
Yet how often do we realize this goal in our lives or in clinical practice? From an absolute perspective health manifests as natural spontaneity and illness as habitual, unconscious, functioning. The degree to which a patient is aware of his or her motivations for acting in life is the degree to which a positive prognosis may be made. Treatment from this perspective is aimed at tonifying the authentic source of self and eliminating the dysfunctional qi upon which ignorance is based.
In this class I will present the thesis that all illness in predicated upon beliefs which cause separation between one's heart and mind. The clinical relevance of discerning the degree to which a patient is consciously aware will be presented as it impacts diagnosis and treatment. Five element constitutional diagnosis will be examined as an organizing framework that yields deep insights into each patient's destiny and path of healing. I will endavor to answer the question, "What is relevent context for the practice of medicine in the 21st century?" Anzahl: DVD
This orientation represents an important perspective that has been all but lost in the modern practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. A basic premise of Chinese medicine is to move stagnation before tonifying and there is no greater stagnation in life than having forgotten one's true self. Thus we recognize that nourishing the fulfillment of destiny is the heart and soul of our medicine.
Yet how often do we realize this goal in our lives or in clinical practice? From an absolute perspective health manifests as natural spontaneity and illness as habitual, unconscious, functioning. The degree to which a patient is aware of his or her motivations for acting in life is the degree to which a positive prognosis may be made. Treatment from this perspective is aimed at tonifying the authentic source of self and eliminating the dysfunctional qi upon which ignorance is based.
In this class I will present the thesis that all illness in predicated upon beliefs which cause separation between one's heart and mind. The clinical relevance of discerning the degree to which a patient is consciously aware will be presented as it impacts diagnosis and treatment. Five element constitutional diagnosis will be examined as an organizing framework that yields deep insights into each patient's destiny and path of healing. I will endavor to answer the question, "What is relevent context for the practice of medicine in the 21st century?" Anzahl: DVD

Jahr: 2004
ISBN: V_TCM04_07
Sprache: Englisch/Deutsch
Preis: 38,00 €
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
zuzüglich Versandkosten
ca. 10 Tagen Lieferzeit

Jahr: 2004
ISBN: D_TCM04_07
Sprache: Englisch/Deutsch
Preis: 38,00 €
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
zuzüglich Versandkosten
ca. 10 Tagen Lieferzeit